The Killer-est of Killer Type II Combos

The following combos are proven to work and are VERY cool!

Endless Wurm + Rancor
Endless Wurm is a 9/9 Trample for 3GG with an upkeep that says you must sacrifice a enchantment or sacrifice this creature. Now, Rancor is an enchantment that gives target creature +2/+0 and Trample, Rancor also goes back to your hand when it goes to the graveyard from play. Thus, a Rancored Wurm would be a 11/9 Trample whom you sac the Rancor to as an upkeep, thus the Rancor comes right back to your hand and you can cast it right back on a creature for another upkeep payment. This basically turns the upkeep into this..."During your upkeep pay G or Sacrifice this creature." That is much more reasonable!

Pacifism + Sleeper Agent
Sleeper agent is a 3/3 creature for 1 black mana who imidiately goes under the control of your opponent when it hits the table. The opponent then, every one of his upkeeps, is dealt 2 damage. Even with a 3/3 creature and that upkeep on your opponent's side you still could be attacked for 3 by the agent, but if it is Pacified, it can't attack or block and thus, just sits there hurting the opponent each of his turns...NOW THAT IS EVIL!

Hermetic Study + Horseshoe Crab
Hermetic Study gives target creature the ability to tap and deal 1 direct damage to any target. With the Crab, pay 1 blue mana anytime to untap it. Thus a Hermeticized Crab and lots of blue mana could DEAL LOTS OF DAMAGE!

Serra Avatar + Angelic Chorus
Whenever the Avatar hits play, it has its power/toughness equal to your life. With Chorus out, each time it is played, your life will double.

Sneak attack + Palinchron (Submitted by:Eric Pennington)
Play a Sneak. Pay one red and pop out a Palinchron. Untap up to 7 lands. Pay the UU2 Price to return it to your hand. Repeat. INFINITE MANA!

Angelic Chorus + Wall of Junk (Submitted by: Tim Spano)
You can use an Angelic Chorus with a Wall of Junk and gain 7 life everytime you put it out for only 2 mana. also when it blocks it is returned to your hand at the end of combat so you can cast it again during your turn. 7 life a turn. 2 mana. Not bad.

Angelic Chorus + Phyrexian Processor (Submitted by:
Have Angelic Chorus out in play then play the Phyrexian Processor and pay your life total -1 life to it. Then pay four mana tap the Phryrexian Processor and put out a token creature and gain your life back and put out a huge creature. Add cards like puppet strings, twiddle, and voltic key for massive life gain in one turn. Also after two or three turns of putting creature tokens out and gaining life capsize the Phryrexian Processorand put it out again for bigger creatures and more life.

Vernal Bloom + Child of Gaea (Submitted by:
Have out in play out Vernal Bloom. Tap three forest and put out Child of Gaea. Because of Vernal Bloom tap one forest and the upkeep is payed for and tap one forest regenerate Child of Gaea.

Karmic Guide + Ashnod's Altar (Submitted by: Pete)
its easy, u simply need to have a karmic guide in your graveyard and an ashnods alter in play. when you nab another karmic guide you return the one in the grave yard to play. As a fast effect you sack the karmic that used to be in your hand to the ashnods alter. Then you bring the karmic guide that used to be in your hand (now in the graveyard) back to play with the karmic guide that was just in the graveyard. It's legal, have played it. Have fun big artifact creatures are a sinch. makes for a great artifact deck (usually white/blue in case of shatterstorms and such).

Gamekeeper + Pattern of Rebirth + Victimize (Submitted by: Randy Moore)
When Gamekeeper goes to the graveyard, it lets you remove it from the game, then draw cards until a creature is revealed, then that creature is put into play and the other drawn cards are buried. Pattern of Rebirth lets you look for a creature in your library and put it into play when enchanted creature is buried. Finally, Victimize allows you to choose two creatures in your graveyard and put them into play for the price of a creature sacrifice. This can make for some nice recursion!

Wall of Glare + Mother of Runes (Submitted by: Stas Bukhtiyarov)
With this combo, one can block ALL creatures without flying that are legally blockable and NEVER die from it. This can create a sort of all-white lock.

Wall of Glare + Gaseous Form (Submitted by: Eric Pennington)
Gaseous Form says, Enchanted creature deals nor receives combat damage, pop that on Wall of Glare, and block every creature coming at you. And if you want to put a Launch on that so it can block flying creatures too.

Taunting Elf + Gaseous Form (Submitted by: Eric Pennington)
Gaseous Form says, Enchanted creature deals nor receives combat damage, pop that on Taunting Elf and attack with him every turn, and all your other creatures get through to do the damage (Unless they have like Wall of Glare of Higher Ground).

Donate + Forbidden Crypt (Submitted by: Paul Bryant)
Play the Forbidden Crypt, Donate it, and watch your opponent dwindle. Just for kicks, throw in a Thran Foundry, tap it, have your opponent shuffle their graveyard into their library and die the next draw step.

Sneak Attack + Weatherseed Treefolk (Submitted by: Stas Bukhtiyarov)
Sneak Attack and Weatherseed Treefolk, bring out the Weatherseed for one red mana, attack, then sac it and it goes right back to your hand.

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