Decks To Build Against In Type II

When building for Type II, one must examine the enviroment. Here, I will post a list that will expand as my site grows. This list will help you consider sideboards and ideas for decks to build in an ever-changing enviroment.

"The New Rebels" By: Mike Elliot
1 x Cho-Manno, Revolutionary
4 x Crusade
4 x Defiant Falcon
1 x Defiant Vanguard
3 x Disenchant
2 x Last Breath
2 x Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero
1 x Nightwind Glider
4 x Powersink
1 x Ramosian Captain
4 x Ramosian Lieutenant
4 x Ramosian Sergeant
1 x Rappelling Scouts
3 x Steadfast Guard
1 x Thermal Glider
4 x Adarkar Wastes
1 x Dust Bowl
1 x Kor Haven
3 x Island
15 x Plains
Basically, this is a rebel deck that utilizes Lin Sivvi to grab rebels from your library and place them directly into play. Sivvi also can put a dead rebel into the bottom of your library where you can call upon it using Sivvi's other ability. Pretty much recurring rebels and good old-fashioned beatdown.

"Orbless Orb" By: Charlie Catino
4 x Accumulated Knowledge
1 x Arrest
4 x Counterspell
1 x Enlightened Tutor
2 x Kismet
3 x Miscalculate
4 x Rising Waters
1 x Story Circle
3 x Thwart
3 x Wrath of God
2 x Millstone
4 x Marble Diamond
4 x Sky Diamond
4 x Adarkar Wastes
3 x Rishadan Port
9 x Island
8 x Plains
This is a Winter Orb-less Winter Orb deck pretty much. Instead of the Winter Orb which is no longer T2, it utilizes Nemesis' Rising Waters for the same effect.

"Dark Hunger" By: Paul Peterson
4 x Carrion Beetles
3 x Hidden Horror
2 x Necrosavant
4 x Nether Spirit
2 x Phyrexian Negator
4 x Ravenous Rats
4 x Dark Ritual
2 x Dark Triumph
3 x Death Pit Offering
1 x Massacre
2 x Seal of Doom
2 x Snuff Out
2 x Vicious Hunger
4 x Victimize
21 x Swamp
This is basically the latest model (as of 3/23/00) of speedy black weenie.

"Better Off Red" By: Charlie Catino
4 x Goblin Cadets
4 x Goblin Patrol
2 x Goblin War Buggy
3 x Kris Mage
3 x Laccolith Whelp
3 x Masticore
1 x Squee, Goblin Nabob
2 x Arc Lightning
4 x Flame Rift
1 x Hammer of Bogardan
2 x Pillage
2 x Reckless Abandon
4 x Seal of Fire
4 x Shock
4 x Rishadan Port
17 x Mountain
This is basically the latest model (as of 3/23/00) of Sligh.

"Two-Mana Beatdown" By: Paul Peterson
3 x Albino Troll
2 x Blastoderm
2 x Elvish Lyrist
4 x Llanowar Elves
4 x River Boa
2 x Stampede Driver
4 x Pouncing Jaguar
3 x Uktabi Orangutan
4 x Wild Dogs
2 x Giant Growth
2 x Might of Oaks
4 x Rancor
2 x Seal of Strength
2 x Gaea's Cradle
4 x Rishadan Port
4 x Treetop Village
12 x Forest
This is basically the latest model (as of 3/23/00) of Stompy.

"Tangled Up" By: Mike Elliot
4 x Accumulated Knowledge
4 x Counterspell
4 x Marble Diamond
4 x Powersink
4 x Rising Waters
4 x Seal of Removal
2 x Sky Diamond
3 x Tangle Wire
2 x Viceling
1 x War Tax
4 x Wrath of God
4 x Adarkar Wastes
4 x Rishadan Port
14 x Island
2 x Plains
This is a new Prison style deck utilizing Tangle Wire & Rising Waters.

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